// consulting services for writers and filmmakers

I offer manuscript and screenplay feedback and consultation, editing services, rough cut feedback, as well as film producing consultation. Contact me directly for more information.

Manuscript and Screenplay Consulting/Editing

I read and offer extensive feedback on work-in-progress manuscripts and screenplays at all stages. I can either give line edits and/or broader feedback, depending on what is most helpful for the project at hand. My goal is always to understand what is best for the project and to never advise towards “what I would do” but rather guide the work closer towards what I understand to be the unique vision of the writer.

Rough Cut Feedback

I watch and offer extensive feedback on documentaries at the rough cut stage, giving a fresh eye to filmmakers for narrative and thematic clarity, strengthening their dramatic arc, and creating sensitive, character-driven films.

Consulting Producer Services

I consult other producers and directors on fundraising strategy, packaging their films, grant writing, festival strategy, and more, particularly geared towards social issue documentary films.